Friday, July 4, 2014

Slave to Beauty

I'm getting right at my point. Girls try way too hard to be beautiful.

Well, I'd be lying if I deny the fact that I never try to be beautiful. Beauty improves our social life and it somehow becomes a part of our pride. It is in fact, something that has been planted since the day we were born. Your pictures are posted everywhere, passed around, not passing without every person's judgement on you. I remember what my older sister told me on my first day of high school, "No matter whether you like it or not, sooner or later, there will be at least a friend of yours who judge you for who you are and what you do. And that's not the worst case. That judgement will spread all over the place, including to the people that you value and love, then will it eventually come back to you and hurt you. Just a brief warning. Don't screw up your first day of high school."

And yes! Those things above are the things we should be aware of, but there are limits on everything we do. We may please others, but we have to constantly remind ourselves of our limits. And sometimes, the most difficult part is not to stand firm despite the stream, but to know these limits—to remember who you are, your thoughts, your beauty, your personalities, your perks and your true self, in the midst of this society that will never be gratified.