Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Reason

I wake up in the daylight and realized that the blocks I have been building, the small stones I have been collecting, and the life I have been dying for are scattered around.
I'm standing at the dead-end of a tunnel again. Every path I know does not lead to anywhere. And no matter how much I try, my problems never fail to rise and prove themselves that they are greater than I am.

I close all doors and lock the windows,

I thicken my skin and harden my heart,
I silent the laughters and joy around me,
as if they are too offensive or that they reveal your nakedness.
I live life, dream, fail and success alone.
I am the soul of my own body,

I am Fatherless, widowed, lonely,
I am a lost soul.

I have forgotten the reason why I should talk to my Dad. I do not see the purpose of talking to someone whom I cannot see and touch with my flesh. He is just an individual too divine for mere humans to have an intimate relationship with—too perfect to exist.

I have forgotten that He also was once my Lover who brought me surprises, who kept on reminding me that His gifts are made with His love and passion.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

People Pleaser

I'm tired of saying yes, just because I'm afraid to say no,
that it affects what I wear, what I eat and how I act.

I'm tired of being boxed in other people's opinions,
that I sometimes forget who I really am.

I'm tired of pleasing everybody,
that I forget of what God's calls are for me.

I'm tired of being used and manipulated.
I'm just a collection of expectations of others.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Plucking Daisies

Do you remember those days of daisies plucking?
You would pluck the petals one by one just to find out whether or not a guy likes you.

He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not.

And if you were not satisfied with the answer, you would ask another daisy and do the same.
If you still were not satisfied with the next answer, you would ask another daisy, again and again.
Two daisies, three daisies, ten daisies, a hundred daisies, until you get the answer that you want.

Well, that's not a very effective way to find out if a guy like you, don't you think?
I understand how much we all hate these uncertainties.
But hey, you could have asked him directly!

Sorry, I know. Silly me. Bad idea.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Eternal Song

"For whoever has will be given more, 
And they will have an abundance. 
Whoever does not have 
Even what they have will be taken from them." 
Matthew 25:29
At times, when others deny or leave us, we feel like we do not own love like we used to anymore. I've heard people say: "Teach me to love again." That would be a misleading statement. Because when people you love leave, love does not go with them. Once you receive love, love remains within you and nobody can take it away from you. We do not learn to love again, we just learn to share the love that we already have possessed.